Product Details:
Author(s): Jessica Seinfeld
Publisher: Atria Books
Category: Cooking
Date: 08.10.2013
Pages: 256
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1451662254
ISBN-13: 9781450000000
Format: azw3,pdf,rtf,epub,lit,lrf,mobi,fb2,pdb,txt,htmlz
Book Description:
Are you smart enough to dodge a telemarketer yet clueless as to how to chop a clove of garlic? Are you clever enough to forward an e-mail but dont know the difference between broiling and baking? Ingenious enough to operate a blow-dryer but not sure how to use your blender? If you are basically competent, then Jessica Seinfelds The Cant Cook Book is for you. If you find cooking scary or stressful or just boring, Jessica has a calm, confidencebuilding approach to cooking, even for those whove never followed a recipe or used an oven. Jessica shows you how to prepare deliciously simple food from Caesar salad, rice pilaf, and roasted asparagus to lemon salmon, roast chicken, and flourless fudge cake. At the beginning of each dish, she explains up front what the challenge will be, and then shows you exactly how to overcome any hurdles in easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions.
Tags: The Can't Cook Book: Recipes for the Absolutely Terrified! by Jessica Seinfeld, pdf, epub, mobi, fb2, djvu, lit, txt, rtf, doc, docx, chm, htmlz, lrf, azw, azw3, kindle, ebook
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