Product Details:
Author(s): Aziz Belmiloudi
Publisher: InTech
Category: Mechanical Engineering
Date: 2011
Pages: 654
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0
ISBN-13: 9789533072265
Format: pdf
Book Description:
Over the past few decades there has been a prolific increase in research and development in area of heat transfer, heat exchangers and their associated technologies. This book is a collection of current research in the above mentioned areas and discusses experimental, theoretical and calculation approaches and industrial utilizations with modern ideas and methods to study heat transfer for single and multiphase systems. The topics considered include various basic concepts of heat transfer, the fundamental modes of heat transfer (namely conduction, convection and radiation), thermophysical properties, condensation, boiling, freezing, innovative experiments, measurement analysis, theoretical models and simulations, with many real-world problems and important modern applications. The book is divided in four sections : Heat Transfer in Micro Systems , Boiling, Freezing and Condensation Heat Transfer , Heat Transfer and its Assessment , Heat Transfer Calculations , and each section discusses a wide variety of techniques, methods and applications in accordance with the subjects. The combination of theoretical and experimental investigations with many important practical applications of current interest will make this book of interest to researchers, scientists, engineers and graduate students, who make use of experimental and theoretical investigations, assessment and enhancement techniques in this multidisciplinary field as well as to researchers in mathematical modelling, computer simulations and information sciences, who make use of experimental and theoretical investigations as a means of critical assessment of models and results derived from advanced numerical simulations and improvement of the developed models and numerical methods.
Tags: Heat Transfer - Theoretical Analysis, Experimental Investigations and Industrial Systems by Aziz Belmiloudi, pdf, epub, mobi, fb2, djvu, lit, txt, rtf, doc, docx, chm, htmlz, lrf, azw, azw3, kindle, ebook
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