Product Details:
Author(s): Michael Haught
Publisher: Battlefront Miniatures Ltd
Category: Military Science
Date: 2008-09
Pages: 76
Language: English
ISBN-10: 958275572
ISBN-13: 9780958275576
Format: pdf
Book Description:
Supplement for use with Flames of War, the World War II miniatures game. Stalin s Onslaught is a Army handbook for the Flames of War game system. To play the game you need the core rules, minatures and a gaming board. Flames of War IMO is the best minature wargame today, well supported and set in World War 2. Stalin s Onslaught is set in 1944 at tne onset of Bagration, the huge Soviet Offensive that destroyed German Army group Centre. The book includes 5 main army lists, for the Soviets you can field a Shtraff Battalion (Soviet Penal Battalion) or a Strelkovy list, which are fearless trained breakthrough infantry well supported with Heavy Tanks or you can go all the way and field a IS-2 Super Heavy tank Battalion. For the German side you have the 78 Sturmgrenadier Division - which can be fielded either as a strong infantry or a StuG company.
Tags: Stalin's Onslaught: The Battle for Orsha, Operation Bagration, June 1944 by Michael Haught, pdf, epub, mobi, fb2, djvu, lit, txt, rtf, doc, docx, chm, htmlz, lrf, azw, azw3, kindle, ebook
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