пʼятниця, 28 липня 2017 р.

Vampire Vintage by Ashlyn Chase PDF DOWNLOADS TORRENT

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Product Details:

Product Details:

Author(s): Ashlyn Chase

Publisher: Ellora's Cave Publishers

Category: Adult Novels

Date: 28.04.2009

Pages: 290

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1419958585

ISBN-13: 9781420000000

Format: epub

Book Description:

Maura Keegan, addicted to vampire romance novels, decides to add a gothic section to her vintage clothing store in SoHo. What better way to get a tax-deductible trip to Romania - and meet her future vampire mate? Adrian, a sexy vampire living right under her nose in New York, owns a vineyard in France producing very special wine for exclusive clients. It allows him and others like him to walk in daylight and avoid snacking on strangers.

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